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GMI Grant Gala 2015

The 2015 GMI Grant Gala was held on Friday, March 4th in the atrium of the Pharmacy Building. The highly popular event welcomed over 150 students and faculty members with the goal of raising funds for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and the Enhancing the Student Experience Fund (ESEF).

The Gala was wonderfully successful, raising over $1,100 for these inspiring charities. The money raised will help fund the MSF Access Campaign, which supports access to medicines globally, as well as pharmacy students participating in international rotations, who are working towards enhancing their global understanding of global health and access issues.

In addition to raising funds, the event raised awareness of global access issues by hosting two wonderful guest speakers. Carol Devine, from the MSF Access Campaign and Museum of AIDS in Africa, and Annie Liang, the Universities Allied for Essential Medicines UofT Chapter President.

Thank you to everyone who came out to this heartening event as well as our generous sponsors! Your support and commitment to improving access to medicines globally is commendable.

For photos from the evening, visit the Pharmakon Flickr.

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