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World Antimicrobial Awareness Week

During World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, Global Medicine Initiative contributed by raising awareness around the global broadening and spread of drug-resistant infections.

Although 700 000 people die of drug-resistant infections every year, most pharmaceutical companies are not developing new antimicrobials. An initiative that addresses this gap is Global Antibiotic Research and Development Partnership (GARDP), which fosters the research and development of novel treatments for drug-resistant infections.

By 2023, GARDP aims to develop and deliver up to four new antimicrobial treatments, including treatments for sepsis-prevention in children, drug-resistant gonorrhea, and highly resistant forms of Gram-negative bacteria.

Developing new and effective treatments for highly resistant bacteria and microbes is crucial, as we are quickly running out of options to stopping this spread. Dr. Margaret Chan, the former WHO Director-General, shares “antibiotic resistance could lead to the end of modern medicine as we know it.”

– Alissa Kong, 2T4 Class Representative


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