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World Tuberculosis Day

Today (March 24th) is World Tuberculosis Day! Did you know that TB is the world’s leading infectious disease and kills around 1.5 million individuals annually? Yet, 73% of people with TB globally report significant challenges in accessing treatment. Some of the most at-risk populations include people living with HIV, migrants, refugees, Indigenous populations, and children. This global health concern is further compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, where our global efforts in tackling TB are pushed to the side to focus on the impact of the pandemic on individual economies, health care systems, and various other facets of life.

The theme of World TB Day 2021 is “The Clock is Ticking,” which signifies the urgent need to decrease the global burden of this disease and to increase access to medications and health care services for the prevention and treatment of TB especially in endemic regions of the world. As pharmacists, we can do our part by continuing to provide evidence-based care for the treatment and prevention of TB for our patients, helping to advance research and development of new therapies, as well as raising awareness and advocating for at-risk populations who may need additional support including financial, nutritional, and mental health support. It may still be a long road ahead, but we can all do our part to help end TB!

- Maeryl Sumagang, 2T2 Class Rep


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