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Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Rising (Various Sources)


Key Points:

Back in January, Africa was hit hard by an influx of extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR TB)

- The New England Journal of Medicine ( showed that two thirds of this is actually due to transmission and less so inappropriate medication use. This means a majority of cases are arising when another patient is coughing and sneezing and is particularly prevalent in hospitals and doctor's offices.

- WHO estimated 1/3 of the world has latent TB and TB is one of the top ten causes of death worldwide. Those with latent TB have 1/10 chance of developing active TB at some point.

-Patients that are treated have only 1/4 chance of curing themselves according to WHO. XDR TB has a 50-80% fatality rate. Symptoms include coughing, fever, night sweats, and weight loss.


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