About Lacor Hospital in Northern Uganda
Lacor hospital represents years of determination, courage, and sacrifice. It is more than just a hospital, it is a legacy of empowerment. Here is their incredible story:
Shortly after a Combonian missionary established St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor in 1959, Dr. Piero Corti and Dr. Lucille Teasdale took over its operations. Upon their arrival in 1961, the hospital was running on a small scale and various units were still undergoing construction. Thanks to Dr. Corti and Dr. Teasdale’s work, major expansions of the hospital’s facilities were made and more doctors started to work at the hospital.
Over the years, Lacor Hospital faced various challenges - from operating in the midst of war during the 1970s to being one of the first to face the Ebola epidemic in the 2000s. The courage of Dr. Teasdale, Dr. Corti, and their successor, Dr. Matthew Lukwiya have been demonstrated through their determination and continuous care towards their patients. They have touched the lives of war victims, patients with preventable diseases connected with poverty, and those affected by extremely dangerous infections such as Ebola.
Today Lacor Hospital is one of the teaching hospitals for Gulu University School of Medicine. The story began over 55 years ago with a dream and now Lacor treats over 250,000 patients per year. Continue to read more about the incredible story of Lacor Hospital here: https://becomepart.org/lacor-hospital/
Lacor relies on the involvement of many donors to keep its operations going. You can donate to the chapter of your choice here: https://becomepart.org/donate/
This year, GMI is collaborating with Teasdale-Corti Foundation for our 8th annual GMI Charity Gala. The Teasdale-Corti Foundation is dedicated to improving the provision of healthcare for Lacor Hospital in Northern Uganda.