Happy World Pharmacist Day!
The Global Medicine Initiative Club (GMI) wants to give you and all the pharmacists out there a huge shout-out!! If you didn’t already know, September 25th marks World Pharmacist Day with the theme of “Transforming Global Health.”
As health care providers, pharmacists play a transformative and essential role in ensuring the well-being of our communities, especially in the midst of the current global pandemic. As the pandemic continues and the race to a vaccine well underway, the importance of a pharmacist is becoming even more and more apparent. Every day, pharmacists play a role in providing expert advise, managing patients’ medication therapies, vaccinating to help prevent diseases, and being the most accessible health care provider to patients.
Thank you for positively contributing to a world where we strive for everyone to get safe, effective, and quality medicines!
- GMI Class of 2022 Representative Maeryl Sumagang