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Information Session: How HCPs are Tackling COVID-19 in Uganda

On October 26th, GMI hosted our first information session of the year! This virtual event showcased speakers from the Teasdale-Corti Foundation: Sister Josephyn Hoyelah (Head Pharmacist at Lacor Hospital, Uganda) and Dr. Emmanuel Ochola (Chair of the COVID-19 Task Force at Lacor Hospital, Uganda). They spoke to us about how COVID-19 has impacted Uganda as a nation, and specifically about their hospital operations and how they are tackling the pandemic with their limited resources.

A huge thank you to Sister Josephyn Hoyelah and Dr. Emmanuel Ochola for taking the time to join us and to all the participants who attended and made this event a success!

We hope to see you again in our upcoming FUNdraiser for the Lacor Hospital, or you can donate at any amount and any time at


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